Extra Blurb #1

I have so many ideas for this blog site so just ignore the constant changes that are sure to follow. I want lots of photos but I need good quality ones..which require more effort from me lol. I want all my own photos too. Nothing will be plagerised on my watch! 


I’ve always loved blog sites. Something about typing your journal online and having it look pretty and organized always appealed to me. I never keep up with them though and they almost always get deleted. Maybe because I’ve never had a good theme. I’ve never had something interesting to write about. This semester in school, we are required to make this WordPress site with a topic of our choosing and I can’t think of any better subject than the antics I put up with everyday at home. The constant barking and meowing, scratching of furniture, pee puddles on the floor… it’s all very comical really. I can’t wait to write about it, even if nobody reads it.

Maybe I’ll attract other cat ladies.. cat ladies have blogs right??